Inova Semiconductors


Using Predictive Data Analytics in Manufacturing

Predictive analysis capabilities provide deep insights for production optimization and can predict failures based on anomalies in the data. … Read More


Requirements, or “Where is the pie [chart]?”

Requirements engineering is defining, analyzing and managing customers’ software requirements, resulting in software working successfully for years to come. In the semiconductor industry, the customers’ needs vary greatly, so configuring their solution is always part of the process. … Read More


Semiconductor Data Monitoring

Data monitoring in the semiconductor industry is the collection and analysis of all chip manufacturing data, including test data, wafer defect inspection data, probe tests, WAT, final inspection tests and manufacturing data from the hundreds of processes that each chip undergoes. … Read More

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Inova Semiconductors Implements YieldWatchDog as Yield Management Solution

DR YIELD software & solutions GmbH, provider of the smart data analytics solution YieldWatchDog, announces that they were selected by Inova Semiconductors GmbH to enable actionable insights into their chip test data. … Read More